By:- +Aman yadav
These shortcut key surly reduce your time during computer operating. Shortcut keys is so difficult to remember but if we use that daily than they easily remind . So take a look of these key list
1. Firstly i tell you shortcut of making new folder that is so essential shortcut because for making new folder we go to new and than create new folder , leave this and start using Ctrl + Shift + N
2.Open program as an administrator by using this Ctrl + Shift + Click on that program
3.Moving Active window –LEFT- RIGHT-TOP-DOWN
Window key+Arrow key’s
4.CUT, COPY , PASTE and select all shortcut key is
Select all -Ctrl+A
5.Window key + tab to get tabs
6. Window + B to focus on tray icon’s
7.Zoom in Zoom out window 8 apps
by Ctrl+plus and Ctrl+(minus)