We All Know YouTube Is Most Popular Website For Video Sharing Website But In Internet world There Are Lots Of Best Website also Available In Different Fields To Share Video Today We Are Discussing Some Alternative Of YouTube Or Best Cideo sites other than YouTube. Just check out These Websites and I Think You feel That better than YouTube.
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Best Video Sites Other Than Youtube
TED is unique in the world of streaming video, and it is brilliant in its own way. TED’s whole concept is to spread ideas, and to accomplish that, it has enlisted some of the most brilliant minds in the world to create “talks” about topics as diverse as
Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action and Steve Jobs: How to live before you die etc.
Since it was created by filmmakers, Vimeo shows a very holistic and welcoming approach to video sharing. Vimeo tends to attract more professional filmmakers than other sharing sites, the video tends to be higher quality and the design certainly beats YouTube’s messy look.
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DailyMotion. Currently attracting over 106 million unique visitors per month, DailyMotion is another hidden gem in a sea of video sharing sites. It might be French, but it attracts video views from all over the world (2 billion a month to be exact) and over the years, has firmly established itself in a number of different countries (including the UK and US).
Metacafe rocketed to popularity with their page view money earning system. Many videos on the website are duplicates from YouTube, but in addition to that content, there is a wide array of video tutorials on many subjects, including DIY hacks, magic, and science experiments. If you’re interested in making money off your video’s page views, Metacafe is the ideal website to use.