Hello Friends I Things Search Engine optimization Is Necessary For All Blogger So That Why I Am Gives A Little Idea About What Are Dofollow And Nofollow Blog So Lets Take A look
see also:-Check Whether Blog Have Dofollow Links Or Nofollow Links.
Dofollow links
The links which is having rel=’dofollow’ attribute or it is without any rel attribution then it is known as dofollow link.
For Eg:<a rel=”dofollow” href=”http://www.liveurlifehere.com”>Hello</a>
OR <a href=”http://www.liveurlifehere.com”>Hello</a> Both Links Are Dofollow.Dofollow backlinks are the need of every blogger because it helps a lot to the linked blog/site. Actually, when the search engine’s crawler comes to the webpage for crawling and when it finds any dofollow link then it land on that page and also crawl that. That’s why we’re recommending you to boost your dofollow backlinks but slowly slowly not like a spammer.So Lets See How To Make A Dofollow Blog
Nofollow links
Those links which are having rel=’nofollow’ attribute in Archor are known as Nofollow links.
For eg:<a rel=”nofollow” href=”http://www.liveurlifehere.com”>Hello</a> Usually, all blogs are having this attribution in the comment area to be safe from bad links. Well, once again when search engine’s crawler crawls the webpage and it comes to any link then it will check that it is nofollow then it will ignore that link and will continue crawling other content but if that is dofollow then crawler will land on it.
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