How to add your website in google favorite list

Every web owner or webmaster want that his/her website should be google favorite website here Google favorite list means more website traffic from google,taking your website on top for high competition keywords.If you experiment with google then you see google always taking few of websites on top & rarely chance to small websites.But after come in google favorite list a website get a huge traffic from logo

Brief about this post:

I have got idea of writing this post when a blogger ask me to this question-“Is there any favorite list in google for which these websites are top in google result”.This post is beneficial for small & highly reputed web owners.As i am experimenting on my blog from last 3 months i found so many things that I write in my each posts.I have found here google also have your favorite list in which google add few websites that is always on top but question is “Which website is in google favorite list & how that website come in google favorite list” Or “Can we add our website in google favorite list” I SAY!! YES .In this post i will show you some examples of some websites which is in google favorite list & how these websites are google favorite.

List of few websites which are google favorite & how these come in google favorite list:

Actually google always thirsty for good & new contents on the web but google have a permanent & compulsory algorithm that is to take some of website in favorite list so if relevent & new search term not found on the web then show results from these websites.So google add websites in favorite list as per niche of websites let suppose you search for “adsense tips” or related to this keyword then google show “Shoutmeloud” blog because this blog have so many post on google adsense with good backlinks.If you are tried to add your website in this list then obviously you want more blog post about google adsense with good response by comment & backlinks .Like this so many website that are added in google favorite list.

Labnol,hongkiat: For technology blog

Mashable,CNN etc..: for Tech news

These websites are counted as top most content provider for google.If try to write any post article like these website then you never come to above position in google because of google favorite list.This is the only reason why SEO experts always recommend low competition keywords.

Benefit of google favorite list:

How to add your website in google favorite list:

Everyone want that his/her website to come in google favorite list but for this you should follow some steps & wait for some time.

  • Follow all blogging basic tips for start blog
  • Start low competition & high profitable niche blog.
  • Choose low competition niche keyword & write everything about that in detail.
  • Word Strength in the post should be more than 1000+
  • Write at least daily 1 post.
  • Never divert from niche even traffic is low in starting.
  • Start building backlinks & blog reputation of the social websites.

After doing these you get result after 6 month if you are new in blogging.If you are experienced blogger then you share your blog where you already making reputation that is easy for you to get traffic on new blog.


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