How to keep your Android smartphone safe

Android is one of the most popular OS around the world. One of the main reason of its popularity is large number of apps are available in the play store. But on one side these apps helps to make user’s life easy while on the other side some Black hat developers also use these apps to steal private data of users. Today almost every person who is using Android smartphone uses their mobile in making banking transactions too. So to make your transactions secure you must be aware about the safety tips of your smartphone. Here is some tips How to keep your Android smartphone safe.

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Never download apps other than Play Store or other authority apps store

Mostly android apps are free on play store. But there are also some apps which are not free. It is better to pay small amount to use those apps rather than downloading those apps from free source. Most of the time it is observed that people download premium apps for free from other unsecure sources. Those unsecure sources bind a malware with those apps which will secretly send your private data to the malware binders. So you should pay a small amount for premium apps and use those apps from play store. It will also help to earn some revenue for app developer.

Download One Anti-Virus App

With the increase number of Android Smartphone users, many anti-virus distributers also develop security apps for android mobile phones too. You can easily get Anti-virus apps from big companies like MacAfee, AVG and Quick Heal. These apps comes with some advanced features that will make your Smartphone rid of Malwares. Don’t depend on these apps to take action, instead of it run a deep scan of anti-virus app daily or weekly. These apps will also warn you when you visit some unsafe website or make any unsafe setting in your smartphone.

Never Root or jailbreak your Smart Phone

This is the common step of techy guy who uses android smartphone. After rooting your smartphone one can make changes to the core code of the OS. This will also help for the malware attackers to install any foul code into your smartphone. So it is recommended to not root your smartphone until you have a good grip and knowledge of Android codes.

Update your OS regularly

Although it is recommend using latest Android OS but due to smartphone incompatibility we cannot update it on every smartphone. Still we should update our OS with regular available patches. Google regularly releases patches for its old Android OS too. So make sure to check for OS update at least monthly. After installing those OTA updates most of the loopholes will be closed for entering malwares in your smartphone.
According to one report 70% of malwares are found in the old OS of Android. With this you can estimate the importance of OS update.

Tip :
Open Source feature is one of the biggest plus point for Android Smartphone but it also act as a negative point too. If you follow above points then you can make your smartphone malware free.

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