How to make my computer a local server

Posted By;-Aman Yadav

Hello friends, If you want to learn language like php,javascript ,css then i am sure you need to run/check your code,for that you must make your computer a server localhost computer.For making localhost computer you need a software called Wampserver .Download Wampserver and install this .
Hay, If you don’t want to download this software,then you can make localhost server also, But by lake of features as in wampserver.So I give you demo of both, Firstly take without wampserver.
Follow these steps-I think that’s easy to understand  
* Go to your Control Panel and choose Programs in that.
*Than in programs click ” Turn window features On / Off ” in which a list of currently installed program show
*There is also a option “Internet Information Service” check this option to turn On IIS service 
*Then IIS install in your computer .This may take few minutes,So don’t worry.
*Then Reboot your computer and start your browser and write in address bar http://localhost .than your local host computer start.

The Second one thing is make localhost server computer by using Wampserver 
Tutorial of Wampserver  
* Install wampserver then a tray icon show like this
*Click on this icon and open localhost
*Now your Localhost  server start with more feature 
click image to enlarge

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