Make Wifi router / Hotspot in window 7
Follow these steps to make router in window 7
- In Window 7 go > Control Panel
- In Control Panel you go to >Network & Sharing center
- In Network & Sharing center go to >Set up a new connection or network.
- After this go to > Set up a wireless ad hoc
- After click on this a new window open make your wireless network by security code & name
Make wifi Hotspot network in window 8
In window 8 adhoc facility not available so you need an another software to make wifi router .
When you search for this lot of software you get to create wifi router here is one of them
- Download Connectify & install
- To Transfer files Drag & drop that file into that client as shown below.
- To use your laptop or pc as WiFi , click on start Hotspot button
- You Can See how many of client use your wifi & you can disconnect that client
Use your pc as wifi hotspot without using any software (working in windows 7 ,8 ,8.1)
Yes ,You can make a wifi hotspot in your pc or laptop without any software using commands . so don’t wasting the much time i telling you are step to create a wifi hotspot without any software. first of all check the video demonstration to how to create the delete the wifi hotspot without any software.
Follow the steps if you can’t go with video demonstrations.
Steps 1 : Open Command Prompt in your system (Press win+r and type cmd and hit enter)
Command prompt should be open in admin mode check below video for
how to open cmd in admin mode
Step 2 : Write the command below to check your wifi adapter is eligible to make a hotspot or not.
netsh wlan show drivers
type this command and hit enter after that you will see a screen like shows in below image
You can see in red circle if it show yes the you can create if no then your wifi adapter can’t make s wifi hosted network.
Step 3 : After this if its show yes(most of wifi adapter supported) . then type the following command to create the wifi hotspot.
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=liveurlifehere key=password
here liveurlifehere is your wifi name and password is the password to get access
Step 3 : this above command is create the hotspot but we need to start the hotspot so use below command to start a wifi network.
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
Now you are done! your hotspot is created you can use it to play lan games,share files and giver access of internet to other user.