Merge layer photoshop cs5 Shortcuts:-
Here are some tricks for working with layers in Photoshop CS5 if the Layers palette gets too or if you need to apply the same filter to multiply layers. streamline your layers palette or work multiply layers as a single entity.
Merge the active layer into the layer below Command+E/ctrl+E
Merge all visible layers into the active layer Command+Shift+E/Ctrl+shift+E
Merge a copy of all visible layers into a new layer Command+Shift+Option+E/Ctrl+shift+Alt+E
Organize your layers so that they are going to merge correctly. This means sorting the layers so that the to layers you want to merge together are on top of one another in the Layers panel. For example, if i want to merge layer 4 and layer 1 in the image below, then I need to position them so that layer 4 is directly above layer 1, or layer 1 is directly above layer 4. The command that you are going to use is actually called Merge down, and the wording can help you to visualize what you need to do
Click the top layer of the two layers that you are going to merge. You can confirm that the correct layer is selected because it will be highlighted in blue in the Layers panel.
Click the Layer tab at the top of the window, then click the Merge down option at the bottom of the menu. You can also press Ctrl + E on your keyboard.
The other option for merging layers in Photoshop CS5 is to merge all of your layers at once. If you elect to use this option, then it does not matter what order your stuff is in on the Layers menu, as Photoshop is just going to turn everything on your screen into one layer. It also means that anything that is hidden under other layers is not going to be visible or accessible after you merge everything. Once you understand this, you can proceed with merging all of your Photoshop layers.
Click the Layer tab at the top of the window, then click the Merge visible option at the bottom of the menu.
In both cases you can use Ctrl + Z to undo a merge if you do not like the effect that it had on your image, or if you change your mind.