Publishing Policy

We love people who have unique profile & thing something different.Our blog always opens for all our guest who wants to contribute their thoughts to people via our blog.Sharing thought by writing is awesome task & easy way to express talent to the whole world.With all these, we have some limitation for publishing article on our blog.

These are nothing if you are writing on our blog by your own heart & mind.We are sure about that you have your own heart & mind and you always use both.(If you are not following our publishing policy then your time will be waste to something here).

  1. The article should be matched with our category & recent past published a post.
  2. Length of the article should be more than 1500 words.
  3. Content in the post should be unique & not to be published before on the web.(if we found any of the phrase, line in the post we remove that or may not publish your article
  4. Language for the content should be English
  5. Content in the post should be proofread
  6. If possible include 2-3 heading to the article & image
  7. Anchor text link in the post should be matched with the article

If you follow these few steps then we are glad to publish your article on our blog.But if you do not follow our published policy & look to spam on the blog then we can block you.

If you have any query regarding publishing policy then you can contact us

Last Updated On: 17 November 2019



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