rich snippets person – This a advance technique of google for sharing information of people from your webpage. Markup social media info. and contact information in your page properly , which help google to show information clearly on search result.This is a good example of this.
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Markup event on your page to show better on google search
Property Description
name(fn) Name
nickname Nickname
photo An image link
title The Person’s title (for example, Financial Manger)
role The Person’s role (for example, Accountant)
url Link to a web page, such as the person’s home page
affiliation The name of an organization with witch the person is associated (for example, an employer) If fn and org have the exact same value, Google will interpret the information as referring to a business or organization, not a person.
friend Identifies a social relationship between the person described and another person.
contact Identifies a social relationship between the person described and another person.
acquaintance Identifies a social relationship between the person described and another person.
) The location of the person. Can have the subproperties street-address
, locality
, region
, postal- code
, and country-name