This is Beneficial for you if you get basic knowledge of SEO to grow your website traffic faster.This seo tips for beginner help each & everyone to drive website traffic in 2015 .These tips are updated hare according to 2015 google updated.Here you learn basic tips of seo that must be followed by any blogger .Seo is not that type of education subject which learn in few days or not have any syntax like particular programming that you use every time.For understanding Seo you must know about search engines like google ,yahoo, bing etc… how these search engine work & how they crawl your website in search result.So this is basic guide so i give you brief about search engine also.
Search engine crawl your website if you allow to do so means if you use nofollow in your meta tag then search engine never crawl your website, so if you want to get your website in search result you should have to “follow” in your meta crawl each website that have same keyword that search by google user but the main things is to come in the top of the result in google because each & every persone click on website that are come in 1st page of google.So for doing this you must have knowledge of seo.
Few points you should care before start writing.
- One of the most things in content to be unique otherwise search engine not crawl your website perfect.
- Be sure you make mind post that you are going to post.
- Check SEO status of title you are choosing-( On these websites)
- Write approx. 400 words to get in high rank on google.
- Post must have headlines or sub-headlines.
What should make blog perfect
- Submit your website in google search console, bing webmaster
- Submit to other web directory like dmoz
- Make backlinks on website that have same niche that have your website
- Implement perfect Rss Feed &
- Manage Sitemap for your website by post & category (yoast wordpress plugin you can use for this)
- Create awesome content because content is king always
Tips for blog post on your website that come in search fast & index well .
- Think about post in your blog niche:Research on your topic that you want to write.Search on google about that & learn more about that.
- Find Keyword for post:This is important for anyone to select low competition keyword because you are writing this post 1st time on blog & if you choose high competition keyword then you never come in 1st page of google.Here is few tools for finding keyword & i suggest you to choose long tail keyword
- Write perfect title: Title of your blog post is most important for generating website traffic because everywhere on social website, search results,feeds, emails etc.. people read your title & then come to your website.
- Content in the post:Find,think,prepare content for your blog post because 1 well written post can attract enough visitor that your ordinary 10 post can’t get.So focus on what you have to write , search about that much more on web to get huge knowledge.You understand like this you are teacher & all your website visitor are your student so obviously you must have so much knowledge about that.If you don’t have knowledge about this your visitor never return to your website again.So here is few tips for you if you follow these than i am sure you can write a perfect article on your website.If you constantly write about post in your niche then only you get success on your blog.I suggest you to read daily post of your blogs that related seo,internet marketing & your niche blog.
Tips for you: Write title keyword in first 70 words of post, repeat this one more time in post.
- Proof-reading: After writing post you must proof-read that to prevent search engine ignore your post.
- Write Meta tags for your post-
Tips for you: Title keyword must have in your tags.
- Images Make post perfect-
Tips for you: For make interest of reader insert funny image matching with post content.
- Share on Social profiles-
Tips for you: You get back-link of post form there and get some visitor also
If you are using seo by yoast plugin in wordpress then you must have to maintain green indication for perfect seo.
Make Social Profile on these websites:
- Facebook: You already have account on facebook so link that with your wordpress post share .Make Facebook Page of your blog.
- Twitter: Twitter make you professional blogger where you make real fans of your blog.
- Digg: This is hub of feed reader , if you make content perfect and digg that you get direct link to your website.
- Youtube: This is the place you can earn & give easy tutorial to your blog fans and other fans.
- Pinterest: Images attract always people to come and read article.This website offer you this opportunity-make image and pin it.
- Stumbleupon: Article are trigger from here , people stumble from here with friends and other peoples
Rss Feeds:
Google feedburner-Sign Up from there and register to get subscriber of your blog and they can easily get update of your blog on their email.
Thank you for an usefull post! I have learned a lot to upgrate my site and ranking my keyword Vé máy bay!