Difference between windows 8 and windows 10

What’s new in windows 10 or what is the difference between windows 8 and windows 10 .These question rolling in your mind then you should take windows 10 & register to download windows 10 on microsoft websites . The Highlighting Features of Windows 10  Windows 10 is the first venture to an era of personal computing. It … Read more

wifi driver not found

“wifi driver not found” this is  problem with some old laptops or install window not compatible to system .Now i find a solution of using your laptop wifi when you does not have source of downloading driver or your system wifi driver not found on internet. Basically this feature is in window for troubleshooting the … Read more

windows keyboard key interchange

Sometime your keyboard key interchanges/swap that means when you press “A” write “Q” in your computer . I get the solution of this problem. First i tell you why this error come in your computer. This error is comes when you change the language of your window mean normal Eng(US) to any other language like franch,UK … Read more

how to make pendrive bootable for windows 8

Its time to drop CD-ROM from your computer, You can install windows vista,7,8 in your computer by pendrive. Its not so much hard ,You just follow me and make you window installation easy. 1. Insert your USB (4GB+ preferable) stick to the system and backup all the data from the USB as we are going … Read more