Top indian bloggers & entrepreneur by their earning

Blogging is a revolutionary career opportunity for Indian youngers.From last 5-6 year, Indian young minds are a focus on blogging career.After the success of some blogger, peoples are motivated and learning to get in the list of Indian bloggers.From the time of personal blogging no much bloggers in India.At that time only Amit Agarwal writing on his blog & he earn a lot from the blogging, this success story gets viral in India and peoples are trying their own career in this field.Most of the blogger start writing after inspired from Amit Agarwal.The time has come when young minds are not only blogging but focus on full-time business online.So let’s start the list of top bloggers & their wonderful blogging career with their huge earnings.

Top Indian Bloggers & entrepreneur

1.  Amit  Agarwal
Amit agarwalThis is the name who inspire thousands of Indian towards blogging.Every blogging success story has the name of this guy even in my story also.His blogging career starts as a hobbyist tech writer on Google Blogspot platform.He shares his brilliant idea of web tech, computer related solution, tricks & tips for new guys.He starts his blog Labnol on Blogspot & as he gets a higher response from the blog reader he starts full-time blogging make you read about him he own many websites & working as a leading blogger.His Adsense Revenue approx $ 60,000 / Month.

2. Faisal Farooqui

Faisal_Farooqui_2013This name is count in brilliant mind & idea of a product review.He starts blogging or entrepreneurship after Amit Agarwal.He starts a review website that is developed by him.From his website, many stories connected.From the beginning, his website is in controversy.After all, he teaches everyone about the Indian law & runs his business success now.He starts his career with & he earns $2 million to $3 million per year from his entrepreneurship.

3.Amit Bhawani

Amit bhawani

Amit Bhawani starts his blogging career from 2007 by writing tech news of gadgets.Now he is professional gadget & tech website blogger.His start his company after his huge success in this field.Now he has many websites in his network & also teaches SEO to young minds.His monthly earning reach to $25,000 per month & gradually increasing.


4. Harsh Agarwal

harshHarsh is passionating blogger who starts blogging after leaving his job in 2009. He teach wonderful blogging to their reader by his blog Shoutmeloud.From the starting time, he keens towards earning through blogging.His blog is about blogging , seo, affiliate marketing & all entrepreneurship content.Harsh blog is unique in position in google on many blogging area.Harsh earn $10,000 per month by blogging.


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