How To Test A WordPress Site

How to test a WordPress site or how to debug your website by Google & other official tools.This is so much important for everyone to know the status of their website either website page loading time not so much & what kind of HTML improvement should be there.You think what kind of testing I am talking about & why they are important for any website, do not worry we will going to deep on this topic.

If you are beginner then this is so much important for you to read this & do on your website.Most of the time website template are not well programmed & that may create problem to crawl your content for search engine & traffic goes down there. Here are few steps you have to follow & do on your website.

Read SEO tips to improve website >

  • Check website HTML improvement status:-

This will better start if you comply all HTML error in your website because Google also checks website HTML arrangement if that is not good then Google not crawls your content. You think what type of error I am talking about don’t worry I am not pointed out your programming strength, I am just talking about few small type error like the close of div,p, beginners etc.. or unwanted comments & space in your website page.But the question is:

How to find html error in website.?

  • Google page Insight: This question is rolling out in. Here is i know popular tool google page speed checker by which you can find out all error in your page.

For that go to Google page Insights 

page speed

  • Google Webmaster tools:

Here you also find what kind of HTML improvement need to your website .you comply that HTML pages accordingly in your website.

  •   Test speed of website:

 The speed of website page depends on your programming of the website as i discuss above.Basically, website speed is important to suppose to visitor come & page of website loading… then this makes a bad impression of your website.Now the question is how & where you can test the speed of the website.

If you have WordPress must read: WordPress SEO tips

For checking the speed of website google provide the same tool as discuss above “Google page Insight”. Basically, this tools is for page speed but with this, you can judge html error in your website because speed & html improvement of the website are directly proportional to each other. One of the main factor to decrease page speed is images of the website.

For compress image on your WordPress website Read here >>>(Post being edit now)


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