How Enable Voice Call On whatsapp (New Feature)

Don’t have balance and fed up of sending text messages on whatsapp so don’t stress out now you can call on whatsapp (no need to read it again you read right on the first time) but wait stop daydreaming about whom to call or whom not there are some basic conditions to enable voice call on Whatsapp

  • Both the caller and receiver should have latest beta version installed on their phones (2.11.508)
  • Both the caller and receiver should have root access or latest version of android (at least you should have kit Kat yes you got it right android kit Kat 4.4 not the chocolate)


enable voice call inwhatsapp
enable voice call inwhatsapp

Now the breaking news “if you want to enable voice call on whatsapp you should have received whatsapp call from someone who has that feature installed “feeling heartbroken” but don’t worry we are here to provide you the solution not some sort  tensions so hold on your chair and read

  • You should have a rooted android smartphone for this now from the command line (in app terminal emulator) enter : am start-n com.whatsapp /com.home Activity
  • Now after doing this you should see a new tab to make calls

IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU SHOULD NOT TRY FOR THE SECOND METHOD because after rooting your phone will lose warranty and this whatSapp feature is activated for only few users so we are not responsible for this second trick to work. This feature is still under test that’s why it is available on beta version not the full version you can wait until whatsapp owner mark (yeah yeah Facebook owner too) announce it officially.

Why the company is not making it official till now??

Because whatsapp has more than 700 million users across world and it is not easy to handle calls across international boundaries so the company wants this feature to be secure, easy to use, and cost effective (chances are it will be free) ,this feature was there for the past one year and it doesn’t have access by everyone . Now They Are Giving Access slowly to some users. You Can See many New That Whatsapp Is Rolling Out The Voice Call Features Ya Thats True But Not Globally .

Possible features of this whatsapp Voice call Features

  • Limited minute call
  • User might be bounded by some condition by the company ( as they are here to earn money not doing social service )
  • The call might not work properly
  • Your yearly rental may increase
  • Whatsapp with ads ( this might be the worst )

These are just possibilities associated with the  feature ( just guessing not claiming ) ,we hereby not responsible if the company takes down the feature or not launched it officially basically why people are mad about whatsapp call is the popularity of the app and the service is provide at such a low rental rates

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