Photo editing & designing is fastest growing career as people going online by mobiles( android or iPhone ) or computer/laptops.Everywhere a good-looking design is necessary , if you seen on freelancer websites a small designers designs sell in so many $$$$ dollars.For become a good designer you need to first invest up to $50 & later your 1 design can recover your learning fee.
How to learn photo editing ?
On the web there is a lot of option of learning photo editing from where you can choose anyone but each & every time you learn from one.As i recently post a list of online photo editing websites where you can edit photo if you do not have any software but there is some limitation so you get your own software like adobe Photoshop, coreldraw etc…For learning photo editing i have few steps you may follow
- Choose a channel on YouTube which have good photo editing tutorials or buy ebooks for photo editing
- Start on particular 1 software like adobe Photoshop.
- Daily learn from tutorial , you can download or purchase video tutorial from few good photographers sites
- Join photo editing forms where you can ask any query to experts.
- Start working as freelancer for learning & client building you can take work for free
- Join contest on freelancer websites
These are few simple steps for learning photo editing but in photo editing you need to daily practice for min. 1 month after that you can create a simple photo.As i know some of the people who work from 1 year but not able to learn photo editing that is because of continues practise on software.
How to earn by photo editing ?
This is the best opportunity to earn online as freelancer & professional designer.After learning photo editing 1st i suggest you to work as freelancer & here is 100 list of freelancer website for everyone you can choose best for designer & work on that.Why i suggest you work as freelancer because for a newbie this is important to enter in the field where he/she work so in freelance work you make your good client & after that you can work as a professional.Other than freelancer i have few more way of earning from photo editing
- Make your YouTube channel
- You can teach people logo designing & many more.
- Make your own ebooks
- Make your website with pro editing tutorials
- start local learning point in your living area
Above these are basic learning & earning ways you can become earn so much by making this as a photography career or professional business. A graphic design is fastest growing in TV & news media where lot of designer work full-time & earn so much by part-time as i give you brief about earning online by photo editing.
BUT REMEMBER YOU SHOULD TAKE PREMIUM EBOOKS OR VIDEO TUTORIAL because free tutorial always teach you basic photo editing that is time taken for you to learn & never you learn tricks of photo editingĀ so i have a few list of top class editor ebooks & video tutorials :